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extrahepatic bile ducts中文是什么意思

用"extrahepatic bile ducts"造句"extrahepatic bile ducts"怎么读"extrahepatic bile ducts" in a sentence


  • 肝外胆管


  • Jaundice is more often the result of hepatic infiltration than invasion of the extrahepatic bile ducts by tumor .
  • Nas were most prevalent in the extrahepatic bile duct
    结果: nas常发生在肝外胆管。
  • Objective to improve the detection rate of extrahepatic bile duct obstructive diseases by ultrasonography
  • Conclusion the water - filled colon can be used as the acoustic window of extrahepatic bile duct , which makes the ultrasonic diagnosis much more sensitive to the extrahepatic bile duct obstruction
  • Methods seventy - seven patients were examined employing normal saline retention enema , in which the colon was filled with normal saline to make it as an acoustic window for extrahepatic bile duct , and then ultrasonic examination was performed to visualize the lesions behind the colon
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